Friday, July 20, 2007

Bush To Receive Routine Colonoscopy, Hand Reigns To Cheney

Shhh! The President speaks: "Yeah. Gotta have one of them colon-oskerpies. Happens all the time down on the Ranch, so this one at Camp David'll be no big, ahh, deal. Yep. Not...big."

Hahaahaha! Colonoscopy. Routine. Haahaahahahaa! Whee-oo. That's a good one! ("Mr. President, you might experience some slight discomfort as we insert this three-foot long roto-rooter-like device with a camera strapped to it into your rectum so we can twist it around. It's all perfectly routine. Oh, no, no, I'm not a Democrat, sir. I'm just a good ol' country doctor."

Giving the keys of POTUS over to Cheney, even for a few hours, is a little too much like Frodo handing the Ring of Power over to Gollum. Guess we'll just have to sleep on it and see how things go in the morning. ;-)

Update: Great news, everybody! George Dubya Bush is still our President! Cardinal Cheney transferred The Power back! And this from the comments section by someone using the code name 'Laufenstrasse:'
I guess the promise of personally holding the power in his own hands is even a greater thrill than being the great puppetmaster. Ahhh, raw power.

And what is it about Bush's anus that makes this transfer of power seem so natural?


Anonymous said...

I think the irony is that Cheney is pulling out long enough for Bush to go to the hospital. I guess the promise of personally holding the power in his own hands is even a greater thrill than being the great puppetmaster. Ahhh raw power.

What is it about Bush's anus that makes this transfer of power seem so natural?


Anonymous said...

It's a trick. Bush hides out for a few hours playing cards with doctors, Cheney declares war on Iran. Bush comes back and says, "Say what?" Blames Cheney but then pardons him and US is now knee deep in third WW.

MarcLord said...

Laufenstrasse 16--

"What is it about Bush's anus that makes this transfer of power seem so natural?"


(Und tja, moeglich ist's dass du aus Laufenstrasse bist. Aber welche Nummer war's, denn?)

MarcLord said...


aww, now you're just messin' with my paranoia. I'm not going to go check the Israeli intelligence sources. Not. Not.

Ok, you got me. I'll go to the HuffPo.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I miss you Marc!!! Komm back! I'll let you drive my Volvo!!

Herr Googysberg

MarcLord said...

Um strengst korrekt zu sein, das war Herr Doktor Googysberg. Und ich glaube, lieber anonymous, dass die richtige nummer 16 war. Aber vielleicht deine Erinnerung, ausserhalt moeglich, ist mehr anstaendig. Zwei und vierzing ist es!