Psyche's News Roundup
Web exclusive: 'Obama the conservative' by Johan Wennström | Prospect Magazine January 2008 issue 142
Obama pulls ahead in rout -- baltimoresun.com
George W. Bush, Jr. - The Dark Side - Bush Jr.'s Skeleton Closet
iComment: Be Heard BBC Documentary: al-Qaeda "Organization" is a fiction with no basis in reality
Countrywide Financial Earnings - 1 in 3 Subprime Mortgages Delinquent
What Our Top Spy Doesn't Get: Security and Privacy Aren't Opposites (like liberty vs control)
Is the Tipping Point Toast? -- Duncan Watts -- Trendsetting
YouTube - Bill Hicks on Marketing
Foreign Policy: The List: The World’s Biggest Military Buildups
This Modern World, by Tom Tomorrow | Salon Comics (Dems united as never before)
AlterNet: Rights and Liberties: The End of Privacy
Think Progress » Bush: ‘Life’s pretty comfortable inside the bubble.’
Interrogator Shares Saddam's Confessions, Tells 60 Minutes Former Iraqi Dictator Didn't Expect U.S. Invasion
Wall $treet Week with Fortune| PBS | Buffett: Why I'm not buying the U.S. dollar
The great fiscal stimulus package ... of 1929 - MarketWatch
Target Tells a Blogger to Go Away - New York Times
The Autumn of the Multitaskers Multitasking is dumbing us down and driving us crazy
AlterNet: Health and Wellness: How Teenage Rebellion Has Become a Mental Illness
Hunter-gatherers | Noble or savage? | Economist.com
The murky demimonde of Amazon's Top Reviewers. - By Garth Risk Hallberg - Slate Magazine
Freed From the Page, but a Book Nonetheless - New York Times (Steve Jobs: "people don't read anymore")
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