Psyche's News Roundup
GM exec stands by calling global warming a crock | Reuters | (Bob Lutz crocks me up!)
Seattle Times | Toyota: "This is what the end of the age of oil means"
The Nation: Give The Kucinich His Due (r-e-s-p-e-c-t, find out what it means to me)
Cheap, 'safe' DCA kills most cancers - New Scientist (no patent, no big pharma)
Ohio Job Losses Worst Since Great Depression | OurFuture.org
Obama Ahead of Clinton 14% in Texas, Up 8% in Ohio; McCain Comfortable
Clintons' Tax Returns Would Cast a Wider Light - WSJ.com (Donors should want to see 'em)
MyDD :: DNC to File FEC Complaint Against McCain Campaign (McOhNo)
Obama makes better commander than McCain, Clinton -- Newsday.com
War Documentaries Fight the Good Fight at Oscars - Phil Donahue even made one
The race online: Obama, rivals bring Internet campaigning to new level - San Jose Mercury News
Tehran Times : Deadly Hubris: A million Iraqis dead -- for what? (Bush --> The Hague)
The Lobbyist, The Drudge, The Times, The Fixer -- Courant.com
German Treasure Hunters Claim to Have Found Nazi Amber Room - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE
13 Email Addresses That Can Be Useful - SlickDeals.net Forums
Digg, Wikipedia, and the myth of Web 2.0 democracy. - By Chris Wilson - Slate Magazine
White House says phone wiretaps back on for now | Reuters
"roll on, Columbia, roll on!"
Yeah, right. Only a fool would believe that.
maybe, but that's how this fool lights his house. ;-)
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