Psyche's News Roundup
Bill Moyers Journal | PBS - Bill Moyers interviews the Reverend Jeremiah Wright
Genetic Future: The human genome is old news. Next stop: the human proteome
Gas May Finally Cost Too Much
The Pentagon Strangles Our Economy: Why the U.S. Has Gone Broke | AlterNet
Unpaid utility bills soar as economy sags - USATODAY.com
TIPA | Technical Image Press Association | Awards 2008
Hackers Focus Efforts on Firefox, Safari - washingtonpost.com
Liliputing: Comprehensive list of low-cost ultraportables
reddit.com: File Sharing Site Offers 250GB Storage Free to Reddit Users (digg, delicious, or just a referrer)
Obama Seeks Private Funding - WSJ.com
Party Fears Racial Divide - washingtonpost.com
Annals of Surveillance: The New Yorker: A government misstep in a wiretapping case
Threat Level - Wired Blogs - Which Gov Agency Should Be Your Computer's Firewall?
Media Matters by Jamison Foser: The media render the RNC obsolete
Think Progress: Zirkle rails against the great porn dragon and its influence over Jews (wingNUT)
Hillary Clinton Supporters -- The Global Warming Deniers of Democratic Politics? - Yahoo! News
TPMMuckraker | GOP Still Pushing Retroactive Immunity for Telecoms
When $100,000 makes you Go Broke: The Invisible Hand Forces Americans Into Debt
Make Your Nut Blog Archive How to Lawfully Reset Your Credit History
Experts say US sex abstinence program doesn't work | Reuters
Pitfalls in paradise: why Palm Jumeirah is struggling to live up to the hype | Travel | The Guardian
Chemotherapy alternative will target only cancer cells - Telegraph
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