Saturday, September 19, 2009

Oh, For the Days of Separate But Equal (Says Rush Limbaugh)

I've been waiting for the moment when a major anti-Obama personage finally let their cloak fall so you could see the word RACIST tattoed across their chest. A rough equivalent to when, during Pat Buchanan's speech at the Republican Convention in 1991, College Republicans in the crowd started giving the Nazi salute and nobody stopped them before the camera cut away. I've been waiting for something like this:

LIMBAUGH: I think the guy’s wrong. I think not only it was racism, it was justifiable racism. [referring to an interracial fist-fight on a schoolbus] I mean, that’s the lesson we’re being taught here today. Kid shouldn’t have been on the bus anyway. We need segregated buses — it was invading space and stuff. This is Obama’s America.

Yes, Rush, the cracker barrel just isn't the same anymore, what with the darkies shoppin' in the general store and usin' real greenbacks just like everybody else. How will we protect the women-folk? Some days I can only wonder if the South will ever rise again...

(Note: the snark tag to the above is set on "Stun.")


JollyRoger said...

I've been asking the Rushpubliscums for days now to try to deny that racism is their principal value. All I seem to get in response are a wheel of talking points, usually having nothing to do with the assertion I made.

It's gotta suck for them. They were gleefully anticipating taking back a bunch of seats in 2010, but their leader is a one-man minority get out the vote drive. Maybe things won't be as good as they seem to think.

Anonymous said...

The lady crying about health care on TV said she wants her country back to where it was a hundred years ago . . . hello Rush Limpo.

Jon said...

Finally, Jimmy Carter mentioned the (white) elephant in the room that racism was behind Joe Wilson. The mainstream media has let Republicans deny the racism, and not exactly highlighted that Joe Wilson has been a major defender of the Confederate flag.

Good article on the subject from McClatchy:

Bee said...

What century do we live in again?

I may never figure out exactly how a blowbag like limpburger actually gets to be on the radio and be a millionaire to boot.

MarcLord said...


they've given permission to the crazies to be crazy, and you've gotta wonder how far it's going to go...

MarcLord said...


My great-grandfather came here a hundred years ago, and from his vantage point I can't say that things have gotten better.

MarcLord said...


We fly the Confederate flag in the basement, where we keep the slaves.

MarcLord said...


"and I can't help but wonder where I'm bound, where I'm bound, can't help but wonder where I'm bound."

Woodie Guthrie

Anonymous said...

until this country appropriately resolves human inequities like racism, sexism, and abortionism, to name just a few, how will the nation EVER stand a chance to never again treat ANY human, at ANY stage of life, of ANY disability or health level, anything LESS than what he or she is. It's not about Rush - it is WHO the nation has become. We are very very good and articulate about proclaiming why we are different and yet profess that we all need to be 'equal.' There's some philosophical ethical ground to get back to and then maybe we'll get our citizens out of death holes and stop executing the innocent and just maybe right our very very slippery course. I believe there is time and intellect and strength to do that - but it can't be done through media or celebrity and not even our politicians! It's gotta be each one of us striving to correct our errors and even take on the errors of others. Who wants to do that - I mean, it's not sexy and surely can't be fun. I bet it's not even satisfying/gratifying and doesn't even guarantee a heaven. Why yes, I WILL take that ambien cocktail with a side of happy...