Jenna "I Like To Go To Bed Early" Bush
Harper Collins is kindly printing 500,000 copies of the first of what could be many titles to come from the promising up-and-coming writer. Previously I predicted her first title would either be called The Boys From Brazil: A Coffee Table Book, or Frickin' Free in '08!, but it turns out Barney the Islamoterrier didn't have the best inside info.
It's actually called Ana's Story: A Journey of Hope, and it's about a 17 year-old single Panamanian mother with HIV, and it will end with "a call to action." (Send the young mom to Yale, get her treatment and a well-referenced nanny?) Jenna's all grown up now and continuing in the Bush family's philanthropic tradition. From the USA Today:
Bush says she will donate her earnings to UNICEF. She says she "very, very modestly" hopes her book will have some of the influence of two books about girls caught up in the Holocaust: Lois Lowry's novel Number the Stars and Anne Frank's The Diary of Anne Frank.Boy, you can't teach modesty like that, can you? You pretty much have to be born into that level of class. Personally, I just hope Jenna's book compares favorably with another Holocaust-related book, one by her great-grandfather Prescott, called Hitler & Me: How We Saved Germany From Communist Jews.
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